Master-Slave communication via Ethernet-Multicast
Critical applications – such as district heating/cooling, hospitals and data centers - often have multiple sub-power plants situated several kilometres apart from the main thermal power plant.

This is where the Master-Slave communication via Ethernet-Multicast for IMI Pneumatex is game changing. It eliminates the need for cabling between the different substations, instead it utilises the internet or the existing Ethernet network infrastructure, private or public, to ensure the different substations are effective talking to each other.
Brain Cube Master-Slave functionalities:
In certain instances, an HVAC system will require more than one pressure maintenance system, or even multiple systems, which are installed in non-close proximity but still need to be hydraulically connected.
In these cases, a master-slave operation ensures effective communication between the devices to maintain control over the system’s vessel’s pressure and water levels.
Why would you need multiple pressurisation devices?
Improved load distribution for better partial load behavior.
Increasing operational safety thanks to the installation of redundant components / substations.
Maximum ease of maintenance by ensuring optimum pressurisation is maintained during servicing.
Space optimization: overcoming limitations due to insufficient space.
Integration / Merging of installations for a comprehensive system.
Temporary autonomous operation: Enabling independent operation in hydraulic networks, as in local heating systems with secondary district decoupling.
Expansion of power demands that require growth of the installation beyond the original location for either capacity of security reasons.
This is particularly used in critical applications where there is no margin for error, such as Data Centers, District heating/cooling and Hospitals.