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Compresso Connect

Compresso Connect

For heating systems up to 12 MW and cooling systems up to 18 MW

Compresso is a precision pressurisation system with compressors for heating, solar and chilled water systems. It is especially suitable in situations where compactness and precision are required. The system capacity range lies between pressurisation with Statico and Transfero.The new BrainCube Connect control panel allows a new level of connectivity, enabling communication with the BMS system, other BrainCubes as well as remote operation of the pressurisation system through live viewing.

Technical SpecificationsAccessories_EN_low.pdf
Technical SpecificationsPlanning_and_Calculation_EN_low.pdf
Technical SpecificationsCompresso_Connect_EN_low.pdf

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Features and Benefits

Improved design for easier and more comfortable operation

Resistant 3.5" TFT illuminated colour touch display. Intuitive and user friendly menu. Web based interface with remote control and live view. BrainCube Connect control panel integrated into TecBox.

Remote Access and Trouble-shooting

Remote access and commissioning support, reducing the need for high skilled staff to perform operations. Quicker response time, reduced repair costs. Data logging for system performance checks.

State-of-the-Art Connectivity

Standardised connections to BMS and remote devices available (RS485, Ethernet, USB) enabling time savings during set-up and service and unit controllability. Communication with up to 12 BrainCubes in a Master/Slave network.


For systems according to EN 12828, SWKI HE301-01, solar systems according to EN 12976, ENV 12977, with on-site excess temperature protection in case of power outage.

Heating, solar and chilled water systems.


Max. admissible pressure, PS: see Articles

Min. admissible pressure, PSmin: 0 bar


Max. admissible ambient temperature, TA: 40°C

Min. admissible ambient temperature, TAmin: 5°C

Supply voltage [V]

Compresso C10: 1 x 230 V (-6% + 10%), 50/60 Hz, Compresso C15: 1 x 230 V (-6% + 10%), 50 Hz

Electric load

See Articles


Precision pressure maintenance ±0,1 bar

Expansion vessel

Only together with Control unit TecBox. See Applications under Technical description - Control unit TecBox.

For PED purposes

Min. admissible temperature, TSmin: -10°C

Max. admissible temperature, TS: 120°C

Transportation and storage

In frostless, dry places


Constructed according to MD 2006/42/EC, Annex II 1.A EMC-D. 2014/30/EU


Main materials include steel, brass, and bronze., Steel. Color beryllium.
Airproof butyl bag according to EN 13831.

Enclosure class

IP 22 according to EN 60529

The table below assists you in finding the relevant product based on its variant. For more details, please download the datasheet above.

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