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STAF-SG – ANSI flanges

STAF-SG – ANSI flanges

Balancing valve – DN 20-400

A flanged, ductile iron balancing valve that delivers accurate hydronic performance in an impressive range of applications. The STAF-SG is ideal for use mainly on the secondary side in heating and cooling systems.

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Features and Benefits


Equipped with a digital read-out, the handwheel ensures accurate and straightforward balancing.
Handwheel for DN 65-150 with side reading makes the read-out easy from any angle.

Accurate and precise

Provides high accuracy of measurement.

Self-sealing measuring points

For simple, accurate balancing.

Positive shut-off function

For easy maintenance.


Heating (not steam) and cooling systems.







Max. working temperature: 120°C

Min. working temperature: -10°C


Water or neutral fluids, water-glycol mixtures (0-57%).


DN 20-50: TA, PN, DN (mm), 400-15 (material) and flow direction arrow.
DN 65-400: TA, Class 150, size (inch), 60-40-18 (material), casting date and flow direction arrow.
CE: STAF-SG (Class 150) DN 65-150.
CE 0409*: STAF-SG (Class 150) DN 200-300.
*) Notified body


Body: Ductile iron, EN-GJS-400-15 (~ ASTM A536 Grade 60-40-18. ISO 1083 Grade 400-15).

DN 20-150:
Bonnet, cone and spindle of AMETAL®.
DN 200-300:
Bonnet and cone of ductile iron EN-GJS-400-15, and spindle of AMETAL®.
DN 350-400:
Bonnet of ductile iron EN-GJS-400-15, cone of silicon brass CuZn16Si4-C (EN 1982) and gunmetal CuSn5Zn5Pb5 (EN 1982), and spindle of AMETAL®.

Cone DN 100-400: PTFE coated.

Seals: EPDM.
Slip washer: PTFE.
Bonnet bolts: Surface treated steel.
Measuring points: AMETAL® and EPDM.
Handwheel: DN 20-50 polyamide and TPE, DN 65-150 polyamide, DN 200-400 aluminium.
AMETAL® is the dezincification resistant alloy of IMI Hydronic Engineering

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