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Intermediate vessels

Intermediate vessels

From 8 L to 5000 L

Intended to protect the butyl bag of a downstream expansion vessel from temperature extremes.

Technical SpecificationsIntermediate_Vessels_EN_low.pdf

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Features and Benefits

Wide range of vessel sizes for different system needs

From 8 L to 5000 L

Brilliantly simple, robust design

Special versions available on request.


Heating, solar and chilled water systems.


Protection against inadmissible temperature in expansion vessels.


Max. admissible pressure, PS: see Articles

Min. admissible pressure, PSmin: 0 bar


Intermediate vessel DG: Max. admissible temperature, TS: 180 °C , Min. admissible temperature, TSmin: -10 °C

Intermediate vessel DD/DU: Max. admissible temperature, TS: 110 °C Min. admissible temperature, TSmin: -10 °C Intermediate vessel DG: Max. admissible temperature, TS: 180 °C Min. admissible temperature, TSmin: -10 °C


Ethylene or propylene glycol-based antifreeze up to 50%.

Non-aggressive and non-toxic system media.

Transportation and storage

In frostless, dry places


Constructed according to PED 2014/68/EU.


Steel. Color beryllium.

The table below assists you in finding the relevant product based on its variant. For more details, please download the datasheet above.