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Pleno Connect

Pleno Connect

Pressure maintenance monitoring devices

Pressure maintenance monitoring devices in accordance with EN 12828-4.7.4. Models of the Pleno Connect range ensure that the water reserve required for expansion vessels to operate at optimal efficiency is available at all times. If the level drops below the minimum, water is topped up automatically. The «fillsafe» function electronically monitors and controls water make-up and guaranteees maximum system safety.

Technical SpecificationsPleno_Connect_EN_low.pdf

Product branding


Features and Benefits

Make-up water limitation

Automatic limitation of make-up water with the help of the PNEUMATEX BrainCube control unit.

BrainCube control

Self-optimising with memory function (PI, PI 6, PI 9).


For systems according to EN 12828, EN 12976, ENV 12977, EN 12952, EN 12953.

Heating, solar and chilled water systems.


Max. admissible pressure, PS: see Articles

Min. admissible pressure, PSmin: 0 bar


Max. admissible temperature, TS: 65 °C (PX, PIX), 30 °C (PI9, PI9F)

Min. admissible temperature, TSmin: 0 °C

Max. admissible ambient temperature, TA: 40°C


Addition of antifreeze agent up to 50%.

Entry: potable water

Outflow(Consumer side): Non-aggressive and non-toxic system media.


Constructed according to MD 2006/42/EC, Annex II 1.A EMC-D. 2014/30/EU

Pleno P BA4 R: EN1717 (protection class 4)

Electrical connection

Pleno PIX, PI9(F):

Onsite fuses according to power demand and local norms

4 potential free outputs (NO) for external alarm indication (230V max. 2A)

1 RS 485 In/Output

1 Ethernet RJ45 plug socket

1 USB Hub plug socket


Metal components with medium contact:

carbon steel, cast iron, stainless steel,

brass, and gunmetal.

Enclosure class

Pleno PI9(F): IP 54

Pleno PIX: IP 54

Pleno PX: IP 65

The table below assists you in finding the relevant product based on its variant. For more details, please download the datasheet above.